Are you outside the UK mainland?
 If you are making an order from highlands & islands, Northern Ireland, Ireland or from overseas (outside the UK mainland) please click here before ordering

 Special Offers  Multi Buy  Individual Development Wheels Development Wheel Sets Packs (save 5%) Boxes (save 7.5%) Bulk (save 10%) 'Customised' (with your logo)

 Purchasing Development Wheels (if purchasing from outside the UK mainland please click here before ordering)


1. Online purchase. Click here for secure online purchasing

Probably the quickest way to order your Development Wheels is online using your credit/debit card. Once you have ordered, we will get notification that your payment has cleared and we can dispatch your order. The online purchase area also shows the prices you pay for each publication and updates your order until you 'checkout' to finalise your purchases. Please note that we can send an invoice with your order so that you have the paperwork to 'claim back' the cost of your publications.

2. With an official local authority or public sector purchase order.

If you require various publications or a larger quantity of some publications and you operate a purchase order system, then this might be the best way for you to place your order. Please see our pricing page prior to placing your purchase order with us
Please note that the minimum order value for Purchase orders is £50 (exc. VAT). To make a purchase of a smaller value (less than £50), please buy online (see item 1 above).

On receipt of your order we will despatch your publications and send you an invoice. Please note our terms of business are for payment within 30 days from the date of the invoice.

Purchase orders should be made out to 'KMMD' or 'K M Marketing & Development Ltd' please. We are already registered with over 100 local authorities, so we might already be on your database of suppliers. If not, then please contact us for full supplier details.
Email your
Purchase Orders to us at:

3. Pro-forma Invoice and pre-payment.

If you do not want to buy online and you do not operate an official purchase order system, then please contact us by email to make arrangements to place an order. It would help if your email can contain details of what you would like to purchase.

Once we can finalise your order, we will then send you an invoice for payment. Once we receive cleared funds we will despatch your order. Details for payment will be on our invoice.

Please note: We cannot despatch Development Wheels and other publications without cleared payment - either online using option 1, or through pre-payment in option 3.

We can also despatch quickly on receipt of an official local authority purchase order (option 2). We thank you for your understanding in this regard.

4. Customised production with your logo on.

We'll work with you to have your logo/s and contact details put on the artwork of your chosen materials and then, on your approval, your very own 'customised' publications will be produced and delivered to you - saving you both the time and the costs normally associated with the production of new materials. 
Click here for more info.

Are you outside the UK mainland?
If you are making an order from highlands & islands, Northern Ireland, Ireland or overseas (outside the UK mainland) please click here before ordering. If you have placed your order and would like to follow this up, please contact us for details.

  To contact us, email us by clicking here

This site is run for the partnerships by KMMD Publishing, part of the K M Marketing and Development (KMMD Group) Ltd.    copyright © KMMD 2021